Knowledge being a continuous process, there is no such thing as an ideal or perfect Coach. We are constantly re-evaluating ourselves in terms of what we know and what we need to know to continue our journey of self-growth. In our experience, we have found a consistent need for follow-up seminars and workshops for individuals to continue their development and advancement.
While many skills can be acquired through training and practice, research and experience suggest 10 personal qualities that characterize an effective, successful Coach:
A Capacity for self-awareness.Coaching demands that we be motivated by a genuine interest in and concern for our fellow human beings, as exemplified in the humanistic tradition associated with psychologist A. Maslow and C. Rodgers. Such a worldview entails a belief that reason can triumph over fear, and that people are resourceful, competent, capable of self-direction and able for life fulfilling and productive lives.
A capacity to inspire others.A successful Coach elicits discipline and intensity through an individual’s inner motivation rather than outside pressure. It is the Coach’s faith that enables the individuals to develop his or her own potential by enabling them to develop their own potential.
A capacity to build relationship.A Coach is someone who is seen as being accessible, friendly and trustworthy and who treats Coaching as a high priority. Coaches must be supportive and approachable and be seen to give 100% of themselves. They must be totally focused to the task and non-attached to the outcome. The success of Coaching depends to a great extent on the nature of the relationship between the Coach and the coachee.
A capacity to be flexible.Unlike a trainer with a set curriculum, a Coach’s agenda is flexible. Together with the coachee, the Coach establishes priorities and goals and develops an action plan to achieve behavioral change. This agenda is not set in stone and an effective Coach can adapt and go ‘off course’ to meet the changing needs of the individual. The coachee’s priorities determine the agenda.
A capacity to communicate.A Coach empathizes with the coachee, showing an appreciation and understanding oh his or her worldview, values, fears and dreams. A coach listens, asks provocative and timely questions, give clear, straightforward feedbacks and elicits regular feedback. He must be willing to communicate truthfully, and clearly identify unacceptable performance despite any defensiveness on the part of the coaches.
A capacity to be forward looking.Coaching is about action. Self-exploration, insight and self-awareness alwas occur in the context of action. What can we do to achieve this goal or change this behavior? What will the coachee do with new understanding? A Coach keeps coachees active even when they are initially unsuccessful and in the same time looks for blocks where they may be stuck and where they are being ineffective. He believes that people have the necessary intelligence, creativity and drive to move forward and succeed.
A capacity for discipline.Change is sometimes painful. Regardless of the ultimate outcome and benefits, individuals frequently resist change, fearing what they might loose in the process. Coaching is about development, growth and change. A Coach shows dedication and stamina, and a disciplined focus on goals and action plans that will ultimately effect the desired, sustained behavioral change.
A capacity to manage professional boundaries.Coaching is not a panacea for everyone and not all individuals are suitable candidates for Coaching. It is important to select individuals for Coaching and to establish ‘a good fit’ between the Coach and the coachee.
A capacity to diagnose issues and find solutions.A coach has to gather information regarding the coachee in order to determine the specific needs that require addressing. While assessment and interviewing techniques are learned skills, successful Coaches exhibit certain qualities that allow them to use this information creatively in order to diagnose problems or issues and provide exiting solutions.
A capacity for business.Coaches not only sell an intangible product, they also sell themselves. In an increasingly competitive marketplace, coaches are selected for the quality of their services as well as for their ability to articulate the need for their Coaching program.
Coaching is currently unregulated individuals, therefore, have no professional criteria on which to choose a suitable life skills Coach. We suggest the following guidelines:
What is the Coach professional training and background?
How much experience does the Coach have in my particular area of interest?
Does the Coach have training in counseling skills?
Can the coach clearly articulate the differences between counseling and coaching?
Would the Coach recognize ‘a critical issue’ and does he have the necessary resources to refer out for therapy?
Which coaching models does the Coach use?
Does the Coach have an understanding of adult learning principles, and advocate self-learning and independence?
Does the Coach have goals setting and action planning skills?
How will the Coach identify my needs?
How will the Coach establish goals?
Is the action plan consistent with my life style?
Do I feel comfortable with the Coach, or vulnerable or unsure?
Does the Coach exhibit maturity, humor, sincerity and trustworthiness?
Does the Coach show flexibility and a balance between supporting and challenging me?
What is the cost of the Coaching sessions?
Are the sessions held in suitable conditions?
Is there an agreed upon time frame for Coaching with regular re-evaluations built into the process?
Is there any homework?
How will success be measured?
Is the Coach bound by a code of ethics?
Can the coach ensure complete confidentiality?
Do I have any redress if I am dissatisfied with the coaching services?